Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playroom Inspiration Board

So we are reaching an end in the dining room. We actually should be finishing up that room this weekend (I will share photos once it is done). So since we are closing in on one project... my brain is already heading onto the next one.

I mentioned a while back that we are planning on redoing the playroom upstairs. It has come a long way since we moved in but it is lacking some organization and well... some creativity

So here are some photos that I have gathered for inspiration. I had trouble finding the original source for a few of them off Pinterest. But if you know it, please let me know and I will update.

1. We want to change the open closet in the playroom into a loft area like pictured Here
I am thinking about closing off the bottom and making it into a playhouse rather than open as it is. But I am not sure yet. I will have to see as we go what makes the most sense.

2. I love the black and white photos in this playroom. I would like to incorporate a wall of photos somewhere in ours.

3. There are a few things I love about this room. I love the photos surrounding the tv.. and I love those huge poufy chairs.

4. The organization with the photos on the front would be insanely convenient and would help with clean up time and teaching maddux where the toys go when he is done.

5. We are planning on building a window seat kind of like pictured. However. I want it to almost be a bed between the two bookcases. So that way we have an extra twin bed when cousins or friends or whoever stays over. This is the one that was on Sawdust Diaries... found Here

So that is is. Our plan is to start working on this the week after Thanksgiving. I am hoping to get the window seat and the loft put in by Christmas.

This winter our plans are to turn our front closet into a mudroom, Redo the playroom, and also redo Maddux's bedroom.
Hopefully we will get a nice start on this room.

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