Monday, December 2, 2013

Monica's Snippets of Home

So I took a little break. We had a lot to do Thanksgiving week... and Maddux was sick... which meant... Ultimately I got his awesome little virus... and between the two of us we slept for 7 days straight. It was a terrible evil virus. But it has finally left and I am getting caught up and back into blogging. 
Sometimes it is nice to take a break... :) Would have been nicer if I wasn't sick. 

But today I get to share with you an old friend's snippets of her home. Not just any old friend... but my very best friend from high school. Monica was always unique as far back as I can remember. She got excited over the smallest details... and honestly was just genuinely happy. We shared a love of all things dance... and through the spirit squad we became very close. While other girls were out partying and chasing boys we would be staying up making up dance routines to all hours of the night. And her mom single handedly made me love chocolate turtles. I have so so so many good memories with this girl... that even though high school was a lifetime ago... I see her and I still feel as if we are close. She was a huge part of my life when I was finding myself out as an adult... and I am very very thankful for her friendship. 

Since then... she went to college in Chicago... and became a designer. I love following her blog... and her photography. The way she looks at things... is just like her... unique and awesome. 
I love how she captured the simplest details of her home :) I love it!

So without me babbling anymore... Here is what Monica sent me :)

Josh and I live in Philadelphia, PA. in a neighborhood north of downtown called East Falls.  We live in a typical Philadelphia row-house that was built in 1939.  It has a lot of character and charm to it.  And we like the openness of the floor plan considering when it was built.

We both are designers in the architecture field.  We love to fill our home with random things that have a special meaning to us or that has a unique story behind it.  We have everything from new to mid-century to vintage finds from our flea market trips.  Below are some photos of our favorite spots in our house.      

the sun room:
We love to sit out here in the spring and fall time.  It’s a very peaceful spot where we usually drink our coffee in the mornings or we have our neighbors over for an afternoon happy hour.  Our favorite piece is our air plant in a glass terrarium that hangs above the chair. 

Detail of our locker side table with some fall decor.

the living room:
This is our favorite corner of the living room where we have many of our favorite things.  
- Our record player.  There is always music playing in the background in our home. 
- A glass hurricane with sand from our favorite place, Crystal Cove.  This is where we got engaged and was our go to place on the weekends when we used to live in California.  
- Coral piece.
- Our favorite Voluspa candles that smell amazing.
- Our decorative ampersand pillow from House Industries.  
-  Monica painted the chevron accent wall.  

We love our succulents

Our little boy enjoying his cartoons.

Josh is from Wausau, WI and we like to collect random things from our hometowns in our home.  
Detail of one of our favorite frames with Wausau, WI vintage stamps.  

Our son’s favorite spot in our living room floor where he spreads out all his toys and plays. 

This is our favorite spot in the kitchen where we have our cookbooks and main kitchen supplies for our everyday needs.

Monica really loves looking out the kitchen window to see her little Colombian bus and Rockford, IL glass jar, which is where her family is from and hometown is. 

Random vintage glass bottles that were distributed in Wausau, WI. 

dining room:
- Detail of an egg crate.  This egg crate is from a farm in Pennsylvania that we hung up on the wall as shelving.
- Eames House blocks from House Industries.
- Sea Urchin
- Two postcards - one with H.H. Bennett’s “Leaping the Chasm” at Stand Rock, Wisconsin Dells and the other without H.H. Bennett.  We found these two post cards at the Long Beach Flea Market at separate times and it was an instant buy.
- Small Vase from Heath Ceramics.
- Pennsylvania Department of Highway First Aid Kit that we found at an antique store in Lancaster, PA.

Another favorite area in our dining room.  
- Here we store our alcohol and wine glasses as well as some of our favorite dinning ware.
- The cabinet was a gift from a friend’s mom.  She had the piece in her house for several years before giving it to us. 
- An original Eames molded plywood dining chair.  
- A vintage scale.
- Eames House bird from Vitra.

ian’s room:
His room is probably our favorite room of the house.  There’s lots of color and fun things every where you look.  
- We like to collect “I” things for his name.
- The framed “8” is because he’s the 8th grandchild on Monica’s side of the family. 
- Josh gave Ian ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ as it was one of his favorite books growing up. 
- Fun fact - there is one Sasquatch and one abominable snowman in this photo. 

He has many Dr. Seuss Books both in English and Spanish.
- A vintage metal race car.
- OX, one of his favorite Ugly Doll character.
- A Sock Monkey coin from Midway Village - Rockford, IL.
- A Lego mini VW camper van

- A tee-pee that Monica made for Ian’s 2nd birthday that he loves to hang out in with his toy friends. 
- His rocking horse that used to be Josh’s from when he was a baby.  He passed it on to Ian. 
- A ‘Do Your Best’ pennant which we think is a good motto to live by.  
- A printers letterpress drawer tray where he has his Lego mini figures in. 

Detail of Lego mini figures.

Ian on the floor of his room playing with his cars, Charley Harper blocks, books.

master bedroom:
- Vintage fan from Josh’s side of the family. 
- A wooden crate we found at Three Potato Four with our last name on it.  It was a must have!  
- In the crate - a Charley Harper book.  Josh’s favorite artist.

- Glass vase with some Billy Buttons.
- A loose Roman paver that we stole from the streets of Rome, while in Italy on our honeymoon. 

Thanks Monica for sharing pieces of your home with us! I love it all :) Especially his teepee corner! Do you sew? ????... I really need to learn how to sew.....

What was your favorite part? 
The collection of lego men? The homemade teepee? Vintage bottles? The paver they took home as such a unique keepsake? The fact that she can keep succulents alive... ? Okay.. those are my favorites. :) Whats yours?

If you want to follow Monica on Facebook... check our her photography page Here
Or check out their blog Here

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