Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Taking Stock January 2014

You all know we are busy trying to get some projects done before the local home tour here in town. So we are very busy planning and starting projects around the house. Currently we are finishing up the dining room (final reveal will be within the next few weeks) and we have started our redo on the playroom. The playroom is difficult because we have a few things planned but we are trying to just go about it one step at a time. So first thing first we are ripping out the entertainment media closet and turning that into a lounge area. So we have our hands full, but not a whole lot at the moment to show for it. I am trying to finish up a few other small projects around the home that hopefully I can share in the mean time. But since there is not a whole lot for us to share I thought I would take a minute and take stock in January 2014 :)

Inspired by Meet me at mikes

Making : An action figure display (Inspired by YHL)
Cooking : Not cooking... but eating graham crackers with Nutella. Yum.
Drinking : water
Reading: The Book Thief
Wanting: More time to complete house projects
Looking: For new curtains in the dining room
Playing: hide and seek (Maddux's new favorite game)
Wasting: countless hours trying to plan out the play room
Sewing: nothing, I don't sew
Wishing: for warm weather
Enjoying: cuddling on the couch during these cold days
Waiting: counting down days until our vacation
Liking: all things chocolate
Wondering: how I will get all these projects done by April.
Loving: Maddux's good night cuddles.
Hoping: for more hours in a day
Marvelling: at how smart my kiddo is. Watching him play his Leapster GS and not even knowing he knew all this stuff!
Needing: a few more days off.
Smelling: The perfect night candle. Its ... perfect
Wearing: Hoodie and yoga pants.
Following: Young house love for some creative inspiration
Noticing: How fast time goes once you have kids... just wishing it would slow down for a little bit.
Knowing: everything will work out in the end. Stressing out doesn't fix anything
Thinking: about taking photography classes this Spring
Focusing: on planning out projects... but sticking to our budget
Bookmarking: Valentine Mantel Ideas
Opening: Reese's peanut butter heart candy
Giggling: About Maddux's Ninja moves... that kid is begging to do karate. Which reminds me. I need to call.
Feeling: Overwhelmed... but happy :)

Hopefully this week we will have some progress to share on one room or another. And this weekend I will be sharing photos of my Mom's kitchen remodel. Which looks awesome.... and they did it all themselves. Can't wait to share! :)

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