Thursday, January 2, 2014

4 year old interview with Maddux

This year when Maddux turned 4, we decided to sit down and ask him a few questions. We are hoping to continue to ask these questions each birthday... just to see what changes... and if anything remains the same :)

So here we go...

1. What is your favorite color?    BLUE!!!!!!

2. How old are you?    4! And next I will be 5 and have a batman party

3. Who is your best friend? Mommy and Daddy. Both of you!

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?   Hmmm.... I know, Buzz Lightyear!

5. What is your favorite food?   Peanut Butter Bread

6. What is your favorite movie?   Lego Batman

7. What makes you happy? .... Nala (and then a huge cheese ball smile while he looks at her)

8. What are you really good at?  Playing with my toys

9. What is your favorite song?  Nanananana- Batman!!!!

10. What is your favorite toy? Batman Legos!

11. What is your favorite book?  All my super friends books!

12. What did you do today? I went to the doctor with daddy and the doctor gave me boo-boos.
      (he got his 4 year old shots today... very unhappy... never wants to go back)

13. What makes you sad?   When people take my toys and play with them
       (maybe 2014 we should focus a little more on sharing....)

14. What is your favorite animal? Lions!

15. What is your favorite thing to do with Mom and Dad?    Go to the BIG movie and eat popcorn!

16. Where do you want to go on vacation? Anywhere we can catch some fish and some... some.. some... FROGS!

17. What is your favorite game?  The fishing game!

18. What does being a friend mean?  Someone who plays toys... eat snacks... and gives high fives!

I love how this little questionnaire pretty much captured most of the things he loves right now :) I am curious to see what changes next year when he is five.... I really hope that number 7 remains the same. That one melted my heart.... :)

** A few months ago we were contacted by a representative from personal creations and they offered us a free product. Personal Creations was nice enough to send us the baseball jersey Maddux is wearing below. It turned out absolutely adorable and it such great quality. I love that we could add his name to the back. It turned out just perfect for these photos! :)
If interested in one of your own you can find the link here
I think this would be an adorable father/son picture.... I might just order Jerry one for fathers day too :)

And a special thank you to Melody Ann Photography for yet again... Great photos! :)

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