Monday, March 3, 2014

Mom Confessions

Mom confessions - I started this theory to go against that perfect image we put out there. See original post Here - which explains exactly what started this series and why.

Confessions of this past week.

- I told Maddux there was no more ice cream. But there was one bowl left. But I wanted it. So I lied. So I could eat it.

- I skipped paragraphs in his bedtime story because he picked the BIGGEST book he owns that would have taken HOURS to finish

- I don't fold his clothes anymore. I might just dump them into the right drawers. because the kid destroys them anyway. And who has time to fold clothes 6 times a day?

- I was crabby the other morning... my son looked at my husband and said... "Dad, make mom a cup of coffee"

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