Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mudroom Closet Day 1.

Last week I shared with you our hall closet inspiration.
If you missed it you can find that post Here

In case anyone wanted to try this themselves, we documented the steps along the way.

You want to first start by emptying the closet.
Cleaning it out... which is where we started here

You need to remove the doors, the trim on the inside of the closet, and remove the door casing

So after removing all of that.
We started building our base. We used 2x4s and drilled them into the studs.
The bottom base is the same as what you see on top.
But after building the bottom base we cut a piece of MDF to fit over that base and then built up from there.
We added a few cross beams for extra support.
This part took a few hours.

After we got the 2x4s set. we cut another piece of MDF to go across the top. to create the bench. 

You can see here where are the tools are currently laying... where we plan on putting some cubbys for storage in here.
It is a curved wall so it might be tricky. We aren't sure what our plan is exactly yet. But hopefully we can make it work.

This shows you how deep the bench will be. and we might have a little bit of room on that right side for some extra storage also

Here on the bottom we are planning on putting in a couple of drawers or crates to fill with miscellaneous junk. most likely some shoes... and sporting equipment.

So there we are with our day 1 progress. The basis of our bench is put in. 

Up next...

- Put in beadboard. 
- add side storage. 
- build storage crates
-put in overhead shelf
- build header for closet (maybe something with curves like This.. In a way

Hopefully we can knock out a few more tasks off that to do list on day 2. 
It doesn't look like much yet... but this will be a major transformation over the next week.... 

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