Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mudroom Closet Reveal

We started with our hallway closet here.

And now the final reveal... (don't mind the random piece of tape I forgot to remove... or the tags on the buckets that I still haven't cut off) (now you will be looking for them)

And it is done!

We are adding in an extra set of hooks on the inside of the closet for additional coats and what not.
I am still debating on making a cushion for the bench... I go back and forth on that idea. For now, we are calling it a day and considering this project done.

Crazy how different it looks from day 1 and where we started!

So excited to have this project done!


  1. I love the way you framed this out....I am totally stealing your idea

  2. I love the way you framed this out....I am going to use this for my mudroom
