Monday, April 7, 2014

Disney 2014

We recently took a trip to Disney World. (which is why this blog has been a little ignored)

This was Maddux's 2nd time there... and it was so incredibly different than the year before. I love going to Disney. My kid... honestly believes in all the magic.... which in turn.. makes it magical for me. He truly believes he is meeting princesses... and characters... and everything in between.

We got to Magic Kingdom the first day, and we were walking in and he says "This is a whole new world Guys!!!!" and he was in awe. Instantly. And it was... Perfect.

It was a week of him flirting with princesses, fighting Darth Vader, dressing up in costumes, watching fireworks, cheering on parades, riding rides, and genuinely just smiling ear to ear... It was a week filled with Magic.

Here are a few of my favorite moments from our trip.

Hanging out with my Jedi.

He loved meeting Merida. He loved talking to her about fighting Bears.

Pretty pumped about riding dumbo.



My favorite characters from the trip. These gals were hilarious.

Pretty much telling her he would fight any pirate for her... 

Face Painting!


He was really wanting to meet the beast. This grassy version seemed to do

I think he was most starstruck for this guy.

Battling Darth Vader.

His Heroes.

Preparing to face Darth Vader.

That was our week.
Pure Magic.

Looking forward to years of memories at Disney!

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