Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Playroom Gallery Wall

The last time I showed you the playroom... I just showed you the colorful crates I made for the entertainment center....

An update on the playroom is the gallery wall we created around the tv filled with a lot of Maddux's favorite photos. 

Gallery walls... some people do a really good job at planning them out ahead of time. I tend to just get the middle filled out and spread randomly throughout the rest of the wall. Which I will admit sometimes leaves me with gaps that I have to either buy or make something to fill those in... 
But usually they turn out pretty good.... as long as the center is planned... building out is pretty easy. 

So we started with the large frames in the middle and just kind of went from there adding to it little by little, mainly trying to reuse things we already had. 

So I filled in a few frames with our recent trip to Disney... and the playroom gallery wall is now complete. 

I bought those square frames at Michael's for a dollar each. They are the perfect size for instagram photos.  The top print of Maddux and Nala is actually printed on metal (got it from Groupon) and the canvases I made a few years ago

The top photo is from our Disney trip .. him hugging Merida. His Initial. And We bought this frame at Ikea and filled it with a few of my favorite instagram prints.

The photo above the dinosaur is one of my favorites. It's him when he was about a year and half poking his head thru a hole in the fence :) so curious. And then we moved our dinosaur print into the playroom.

Here is a close up of a few embroidery hoops filled with colorful fabric scraps. Maddux in his baseball gear is actually printed onto a piece of wood (again... Groupon)  A lucky horse shoe. Family hand prints. Maddux on the tower of terror. and his first artwork he ever brought home.

I love the amount of color the gallery wall brought into the playroom. 
And you all know I love filling the walls with photos. 

We have a few more tiny tweaks to make to this room and then it will be complete! 

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