Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Embrace The Camera

Any other Midwest gals linking in on Embrace The Camera this week... Because it has been H-O-T.
I am just never pleased I guess... annoyed with the cold wishing for warmth... now its in the high 80s, low 90s.... and I am complaining its too hot... :)

A few weeks ago we had Maddux's Easter photos taken by a friend of ours. Melody Ann Photography
They turned out Adorable! She took a few photos of us walking with Maddux (neither of us were planning on being in the photos) But she took this one... and its my favorite picture... I love it.
Now you might look at it and think... well they look off... Hes in a hoodie and gym pants... and She is all dressed up. Which is exactly why I love this photo so much.
I work in an corporate office all day in my business attire... while the hubs is a PE/Health Teacher and Volleyball coach.
So while I live in dresses and heels... he lives in Gym pants and Hoodies....
My outfits are cute... but lets be honest... I would much rather sit at my desk in a hoodie and sweatpants...

Back on point.
So this picture for me... kind of showcases our lifestyle at this moment... and Maddux... depending on who dresses him... is anything and everything between our two styles....

This week we have had some big moments in our house.
1. Maddux now jumps... well he crouches down and stands up as fast as he can ... and thinks he is jumping. its adorable but of course he stops as soon as I get the flip out.
2. We had our first fat lip experience... he was running from me with something he shouldnt have... tripped and wacked his mouth into the corner of the bed. I was freaking out... he was crying... luckily a popsicle and bubbles healed his wounds.
3. He now understand what I mean when I ask for a hug..... :)

Here are a few of his Easter/Spring photos....

Come  link up at Emilys Place ...

153. Opening the windows for the first time in months
154. Cool breeze coming thru on HOT nights
155. Creamy cole slaw and Fried Chicken
157. Finding something you have been looking for ... for MONTHS on Craigslist :)


  1. The picture of your little boy sticking out his tongue, kills me, so cute. And I love the family picture.

  2. Your family photo is adorable! Your little man is too cute :)

  3. love the little man in the tie! love

  4. His tie and hair are awesome!

  5. i love the one of all 3 of you. so sweet!

  6. visiting from embrace the camera....these pictures are just too adorable for words!

  7. very cute, love the one with his tounge out!

  8. a your photos are gorgeous, and i LOVE the tie!

  9. He is so darn cute!!!!!!! LOVE the tie once again! LOVE the picture of you guys walking too!!! Great way to capture the real life ;)))

  10. Oh my gosh, I do love ALL of these pics! The first one is absolutely perfect though! And seriously... crazy midwest ~ from heater to AC overnight and today it's cold and rainy. What a weather roller coaster!
