Monday, May 16, 2011

Gallery Wall Finally Completed!

So after completely thinking out this wall... Then having my son knock down every frame in reach.... deciding to apply Velcro... and so far that's lasting... here we are.

I was inspired by Young House Love to create this.
I am obsessed with their blog... you should honestly run over there and check it out.
When we do purchase a home... my husband may want to block their website from our computer.

So here it is... after working on this for entirely too long!

Maddux's first artwork he brought home :)

For whatever reason this is insanely blurry and grainy but its the only full wall shot I had on my camera.

Our wedding lyrics ...

The city we met in.... The city we were engaged in... The city we were married in :)

A bird because I liked it
and one of our favorite places to spend our summers...Go Cubs!

Our Nala Wall Art.... I love this!

This is a photo of Jers parents that I have always LOVED. That's his mom in the middle his dad on the drums.

Recent Spring pictures... maddy, us with maddy, and our Christmas card with that adorable looking kid on it :)

A vintage map of Ohio.... our first family vacation

This fortune... because it makes me laugh. Still

Our engagement photo... and a cute print we picked up on Etsy

Then of course... we have the Maddux Silhouette... his 6 month close up... the butterfly art I made under the fortune cookie... and i think that sums it up

I want to add a few more touches like the bird... but that will be added as we come across it. So that might take some time... for now its complete... and I really love how it turned out. This wall makes me happy...

I linked up at TaterTots and Jellos Weekend Wrap Up

158. Finishing a project that has taken weeks too long
159. Root beer floats
160. Birthday Parties
161. Blueberries
162. Beauty and the Beast - still one of my favorites :) 


  1. that is breathtaking! seriously! Great job ;)

  2. Popped over from Tatertots and Jello. Love your gallery wall. It looks fabulous. Creating a gallery wall is on my summer project list. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So pretty, I love how everything is sentimental.

    Heather @

  5. Hi Fawn. I simply adore your wall collage - fantastic job. Everything flows so well and I love all the little sentimental tidbits you have added in too. This looks fantastic. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party - I greatly appreciate it. I hope you don't mind that I have included this in today's features. Hope you have a lovely holiday weekend ~ Stephanie Lynn

  6. I especially love the keys, and colors. May have to steal the idea!

    I'd love to have you come by my Make & Share craft hop at HOMEmomMADE.

  7. LOVE how it turned out!!! Still adding stuff to M's wall and can't commit ;) You've inspired me!! Thanks for sharing!

  8. too fun! :) came here via pinterest. love the gallery wall esp. the key art - and what's this?! i went to school in charleston il (EIU), and my hometown is tiny and a mere 1 hr from rockford il! :) small world! anyway, adore the wall + the updated stripe timeline wall too!

  9. I love this! Can I ask where you got the frames?

  10. All of the frames came from Ikea :)

  11. I love this! May I ask what font u used and how/where you printed the lyrics?

    1. Thank you Audrey! I actually bought it from JennaSueDesign on Etsy. She does an awesome job! Hope that helps!
