Thursday, May 19, 2011

Embrace The Camera

This week I decided to share this photo from this past week... that my husband took the other night after I got home from work.
As soon as I get in the door the past few weeks Maddux has to be held for the first 30 minutes or so... and it is one of my favorite things... Its so nice to know he has missed me as much as I have missed him.
So I have learned how to cook with a baby on my hip...

Not the best quality of photo - Jer tries though : )

But he did capture a moment... that I will want to cherish forever.


163. Finding a workout routine that fits into my lifestyle...
164. Getting to spend time with my mom every morning (workouts together before work)
165. Coming home to my lil man... and him showing me he missed me
166. Days without runny noses (with this weather someone in this house has a runny nose constantly!)
167. My dad always willing to help me when I need it... no matter the inconvenience. (Thank goodness for amazing dads)


  1. What a great moment to catch.

  2. I have to do the same thing to get dinner cooked! I think the photos is great and one that you'll want to remember!

  3. Oh I so remember those days. My youngest is a big 3 almost 4 year old now and he still wants to be held a lot, but at least now it isn't when I am trying to cook. That picture is precious.

  4. I love the everyday moments too. As moms we do most things with just one arm anyway! Why not capture it? :)

  5. love it! we should just forget about eating so we don't have to cook and just hold our precious babies all day long. :)

  6. Perfect moment captured! Way to be a multi-taskin' mommy :)

  7. You are amazing for being able to cook like that. You're a true pro!

  8. Photos of daily life, it's not always fun and games, but still worth capturing!

  9. so sweet, its amazing what we can do with kids on the hips:)

  10. love these moments, I am so happy you capture all of the everyday moments
