Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 5 projects in 2013

Now that the year is ending... Looking back over all the house projects we had this year. I picked my top five favorite projects from the past year. Here is a quick round up of a few things we did this year.

1. window seat - I have always wanted a window seat in my room since I was a kid. I was so excited when we finally put this in... and we added the new sew DIY curtains which I love. We haven't touched much of our master bedroom yet (hopefully we will this year) but this is by far my favorite corner on the upper level :)

2. lemonade stand - I actually built this lemonade stand for my niece this past year (she asked for it for her birthday) But now I cannot wait to build Maddux his own this year so he can sell some lemonade :) It turned out adorable and was super easy to make.

3. Deck and Patio - This year we finally worked on the outside of our house. Well we didn't so this doesn't count as a DIY post because we paid for these to be done. But still the outside is one of my favorite projects from this past year. We actually go outside and hang out finally!

4. Staircase - We finally ripped up the carpet off the stairs and painted the honey oak. One of my favorite transformations in the whole house. I won't lie. This project was terrible. Never do it. If you have stairs like mine don't do it. Hire it out. it was the worst three months ever! :)
But... oh so pretty in the end!

5.  library - And this year with the help of Sandra from Sawdustgirl.com we put in a library. This was my least favorite area of the house. It was the reason I did not want to buy this house. I thought this space was so pointless and had no idea what to do with it. She helped us transform an ugly area to my favorite room in the entire house.  (and thank you to Melody for taking the photos!)

I love doing the yearly round up post because sometimes I forget what we have done in a year. Some of these projects feel like we did this years ago. I am anxious to see what 2014 brings for us and our home. I am already starting layouts on rooms and drawing up plans. Cannot wait to transform a few areas of our home! :)

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