Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals

I really love New Years Goals. I know that a lot of people hate them and decide against them every year. But it is one of my favorite things.... setting new goals for the year.  In general, I enjoy working off of lists... so I like thinking about what I would like to accomplish this year on a lot of different levels and trying to check those off my list as the year goes on.

So here is what I am hoping for 2014. In no particular order

1. Make more an effort to meet up with old friends I haven't seen in years. After college, most of my friends dispersed within a 4 hour radius of where I am now. So I would like to try and make plans and meet up with more of them this year. Luckily now... most of them have kids or are in the process of having kids, so it will be easier to plan trips to zoos, museums, or other parks for the kiddos.

2. Add in yoga and/or Pilates to my work out regimen.

3.  Put some focus on Maddux this year in our DIY projects. Redo his playroom... his bedroom... and hopefully build a new fort outside for him to play in.

4. Help Maddux learn to write his name. Also... how to wipe his own butt. :) Big goals people!

5. Cook more. Eat out less.

6. Take more walks. (once it gets warmer obviously)

7. Get pregnant.

8. Spend more time outside with Maddux. Last year we spent more time outside than the year before... but I would still like to be outside even more during the nice months. Sometimes we just get too busy!

9. More art projects with Maddux.

10. More date nights.

11. Visit 2 new ballparks this year.

12.Put the floor in the basement.

13. Outdoor fire pit area completed.

14. Learn to let things go.

15. Spend more time with family. Host more get togethers... Maddux loves hanging out with all his cousins... so hopefully get that to happen a little more this year rather than just focused around holidays.

So thats about it. A long list of to do's this year. But I think its manageable. We will see what 2014 brings us :)

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